White Marble Carrara Campanili
White Carrara Campanili marble is a medium-fine white grain lithotype with light grey veins.
Its shade, uniformity and durability make it one of the most valued and precious material of the Carrara area.
White marble Carrara Campanili thanks also to its shininess is suitable for flooring and cladding, the material is specified for interior and exterior jobs.
For more information, quotation requests or anything else, please contact us.
Gallery White Carrara Marble Campanili
Material Detail White Carrara Marble Campanili

Physical and mechanical characteristics
Compressive strenght | kg/cm² 1563 |
Ditto after gelivity | kg/cm² 1478 |
Micro hardness Knoop | kg/mm² 130 |
Thermal Coeff. Expansion | E 06/°C 0,0045 |
Water absorption | % in peso 0,23 |
Bulk density | kg/m² 2667 |
Impact test min. fall height | kg/cm. 48 |
Linear elasticity module | kg/cm² 625000 |
Tensile strength | kg/cm² 181 |